Canada Ski Blog

Canada-Ski news, views and travel specials on resorts in the Canadian Rockies and Western Canada.

Browsing Posts in kids-ski-free

Mt. Norquay in Banff National Park (Western Canada) OPENS TOMORROW! This is the earliest ski resort opening in Canada as a result of the incredible early season snowfalls we have been receiving. Banff Lake Louise Sunshine is already on track for another record smashing ski season – let’s hope it continues… Mt. Norquay is leading [...]

Firstly, HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all. I know we have not been blogging as frequently as we would like to, but it is the ski season! In the last 12-24 hours, ski resorts in Western Canada have been receiving a nice bit of fresh. January is a great time to ski the Canadian Rockies [...]

Now that the ski resorts in Western Canada are closed, and most are now preparing for their mountain bike season, we thought we would provide a few tips for getting the best ski deals for 2009-2010. The ski resorts are bracing themselves for a tough winter season and are offering wholesalers such as rocky-peak Ski [...]

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